This is the early access documentation preview for Custom Views. This documentation might not be in sync with our official documentation.

What is a Custom View?

A Custom View is a set of UI tools and components to extend the existing functionality of Merchant Center built-in applications.

Custom Views are a good fit when you want a custom behavior in the context of a specific view of a built-in Merchant Center application.

A Custom View is developed and managed by merchants. Merchants can implement specific business requirements in a Custom View and use it in their Merchant Center Projects by configuring and installing Custom Views into their commercetools Organizations.

Custom Views Features

Using Custom Views enables merchants to:

  • Extend the functionality of the Merchant Center built-in applications
  • Tailor to specific business requirements and use-cases
  • Integrate the Composable Commerce APIs and the Merchant Center with external services.

Developing Custom Views allows developers to:

  • Use existing tools to develop and build Custom Views.
  • Focus on implementing the right features instead of configuration.
  • Provide a seamless user experience via commercetools design system and UI components.